RDASI Newsletter - May 2022
With the election being called for May 21st, the Federal government and its subsidiary bodies are now in caretaker mode. For RDASI it’s business as usual, however we just don’t have the same level of engagement from some of our closest stakeholders. With funding promised for RDA’s until 2025, we will look forward to working with the next government, whoever they may be.
RDASI Newsletter - April 2022
Suzanne Gearing, RDASI's Deputy Chair and myself were lucky enough to attend the latest Jindabyne Connect at the end of last month with some of the Jindabyne Connect Business Owners, Kristy McBain, the local Federal Member and Olivier Kapetanakos, the Jindabyne Chamber President.
RDASI Newsletter - March 2022
Small Business Month kicked off in March and with it our grants guru, Phil Gibson is hosting a number of targeted grant writing workshops throughout the month. RDASI can assist businesses and community organisations with their project development and grant writing, so please contact Phil at grants@rdasi.org.au for any grant assistance that you may need.
RDASI Newsletter - February 2022
Retail and hospitality businesses across the region are telling us this has been the quietest January on record and that the challenge to maintain their workforce while mitigating the covid landscape is overwhelming.
RDA Southern Inland congratulated by The Hon Nola Marino for work on Ag Day 2021 short film
RDA Southern Inland received a letter of thanks for our short film, "For the Love of Ag", from The Hon Nola Marino MP, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories and Federal Member for Forrest.
RDASI Newsletter - December 2021
The hospitality and tourism sectors seem to have moved into recovery mode with domestic visitation in NSW increasing each week. It's been great to see the streets of our towns and villages alive and bustling again. With school holidays starting next week, we’re certain the pick-up will continue right through the summer months.
RDASI Newsletter - November 2021
With the expected upsurge in regional travel from this weekend, we know we’ll be hearing from many of our small business owners about the issues of finding staff. Workforce development is a key strategic pillar for RDASI and we’re pleased to be working closely with the Local Jobs Facilitators in the Illawarra South Coast and Canberra regions as part of the Local Jobs Program funded by the Federal Government.
RDASI Newsletter - September 2021
I wish to acknowledge the work of Gladys Berejiklian as our Premier over almost five years. I’d also like to congratulate Dominic Perrotet MP coming into the role as the youngest Premier ever, and Paul Toole MP the new leader of the Nationals and now Deputy Premier.
RDASI Newsletter - August 2021
As a former small business owner, I know all too well the responsibility you feel to your team members, your landlord and your suppliers. RDASI is here to help and support you. With direct communication to the Federal Government, we can share your concerns and issues straight to our Minister.
RDASI Newsletter - July 2021
Recently, our new Board met for a strategy development day to look towards the future direction for RDA – Southern Inland. The day was productive, collaborative, and full of great ideas. With Commonwealth funding secured until June 2025 RDASI has the security to take a longer-term view of economic development in the region.
RDASI Newsletter - June 2021
On June 21st, we held our first Board meeting with our new members. We have a completely refreshed Board who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to RDA-Southern Inland. If you'd like to read more about who they are and what expertise they bring. We would like to thank the outgoing Board members, Sue Whelan OAM, John Bell, Jenny Calkin and Mark Bradbury for their passion, time and dedication to RDASI.
Federal Budget 2021 – 2022 Business Analysis
A Budget for business led economic recovery: The Federal Treasurer has charted a fresh fiscal course, with an improved economic outlook, a relentless focus on jobs and clear support for business and sectors doing it tough. This year’s deficit will reach $161 billion – $52.7 lower than was predicted just 6 months ago.
RDASI Newsletter - May 2021
We know this year continues to be challenging for many regional businesses and communities and we’d like to support you in any way that we can. Please reach out if you need assistance, especially with visa’s, grants or advocacy.
RDASI Newsletter - May 2021
Last month RDA Southern Inland had the pleasure of meeting new and previous attendees at our Connect events in the Southern Highlands, Goulburn and Yass Valley. We heard from up and coming and inspiring businesses, pitching their ideas and business concepts. These events have been created by the business community for business and we continue to hold these Regional Connect events to boost local B2B networking while providing information and support to help SME’s thrive.
RDASI Newsletter - April 2021
Welcome Phil Gibson to the RDA Southern Inland team. Phil started with us as our Grants and Projects Officer. Phil has extensive experience in grant writing and funding acquisition and is available to assist businesses and community groups with the application process on a fee-for-service basis.
Preparing for the end of JobKeeker
The COVID-19 crisis has forced businesses of all shapes and sizes to become more creative about the way they do things. Restaurants have pivoted to takeaway, fitness studios have launched online classes and telehealth technology has taken off. Now is the time to evaluate your pandemic practices and decide whether they should become permanent.
RDASI Newsletter - March 2021
We have collaborated with Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce to deliver a new initiative designed to boost the local economy and encourage local shopping via an innovative new Goulburn gift card.
A plan to make ‘tap and go’ better for small business
Small businesses in NSW have been using contactless payments for close to 10 years but COVID-19 has accelerated use of the technology and the demise of cash.
Last year, ‘tap and go’ and online payments became the main, and preferred method of payment offered by small business due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gift Card Initiative a Boost for Local Economy
A new initiative designed to boost the local economy and encourage local shopping has seen the Goulburn Mulwaree Council, the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce and Regional Development Australia Southern Inland combine their talents to create an innovative new Goulburn gift card.
Celebrating International Women’s Day in the Southern Inland
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.