RDASI Newsletter - May 2023
RDASI is excited to be able to finally announce our successful tender bid to be the host agency for the new State government program, the Key Worker, Welcome experience in Goulburn. This is a pilot for the first twelve months, with the intention for it to run over three years and as such, we will be implementing the program whilst also providing direct intel to the state government to improve and develop the project moving forward.
RDASI Newsletter - October 2022
Our team has been working at peak capacity and with that has come a succession of successful engagements. When we’re out in our regions, we make sure to speak to as many people as we can. We like to hear your perspectives, what’s challenging you and of course, what’s going really well. We meet with councils, tertiary educators, state government representatives, non-profit organisations, business advisors, chambers of commerce and most importantly businesses and the people who own and run them.
RDASI Newsletter - September 2022
August has been another exceptionally busy month for RDASI. Many of our local industries have told us that workforce issues are critical and so RDASI is partnering with three local chambers, Business Southern Highlands, Goulburn Chamber of Commerce and Yass Chamber of Commerce to bring a specialist HR consultant to the regions.